By Kevin Carrillo.
On November 8, donors, family members and friends met at the College of Law and online to celebrate the memorial scholarship that has been established to recognize the life and contributions of Judge Dee Benson.
The attendees included Benson’s children, as well as his twin brother and his dear friend Judge Paul Warner, both of whom spoke, and many of his past clerks. The attendees also met Heather Budge Robison and Zachary Scott, the first recipients of the scholarship.
To date, over 120 donors and 16 firms and organizations have donated $231,000 to the endowed scholarship. Contribution can be made here.

Founding Donors of the Dee Benson Memorial Scholarship
Alison Adams
Michael Archer
David Backman
Crystal and David Barlow
Caroline and Scott Bates
David and Jennifer Beck
Kerri and Lee Benson
Adam and Cyndi Buck
Richard and Suzanne Burbidge
Britton Butterfield
Tena Campbell
Kevin and Julee Carrillo
Patricia and Paul Cassell
Christiansen Law
Daniel and Elizabeth Chudleigh
Candice and Jascha Clark
Chayce David Clark
Natalie Clark
Jordan Clegg
Clyde Snow & Sessions
Jason Coles
Jon Collier
Laurie Seal Coles
Adam and Julie Crayk
Alex and Charity Dahl
Dentons, Durham, Jones and Pinegar
David and Mirissa Dibble
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
Dorterra International
Charles and Shannon Freedman
James and Patricia Gilson
Debra and Ray Goodson
Marjorie and Tyler Green
Greenberg Traurig
Kayle Hardy
Stephen and Tauni Hill
Lindsay and Molonai Hola
Jeff and Cynthia Hunt
Jones, Waldo, Holbrook & McDonough
Brandon Johnson
Daniel Jones
Kim Jones
Kirk and Kristen Jowers
Katherine Judd and Jeremy Coon
Michael and Amy Kennedy
Steven and Jo Ellen Killpack
Dale and Rachel Kimball
Blake Kipp
Kirton McConkie
Clemens and Joanna Landau
Kurt Larsen
David Lee
Jacob Lee
Jordan Lee
Marilyn Lee
Sheridan Lee
David Leta
Todd and Cynthia Leishman
Tiffany Leone
Haley and John MacKay
Brent and Chris Manning
Maschoff Brennan
Mica McKinney
Mark and Cristina Miller
Alexandrea Nelson and Nichole Thomas
Greg Newman
Timothy Nichols
Howard Nielson
David Nuffer
Denise and Rick Nydegger
Daphne Oberg
Ryan Pahnke
Brett Parkinson
Clifford Parkinson
James Parkinson
Parr Brown Gee & Loveless
Parsons Behle & Latimer
Scott Pratt
Randall and Victoria Rader
Ray, Quinney & Nebeker Foundation
Scott Romney
Christine Roth
David and Bennie Sam
Jonathan and Leslie Schofield
Barbara and David Schwendiman
Zachary and Liz Shields
Snow Christensen
Christopher and Emily Snow
Bretta and Rajendu Srivastava
Kenneth Stegeby
Wesley Stein
Robert Steinbuch
James Stoddart
Sierra Elsie Taylor
The Tolman Group
Veda Travis
Angelina Tsu
United States District Court
Logan Vanderbilt
Paul and Linda Warner
Brooke Wells
Gregory and Heather White
Francis Wikstrom
Jessica Wilde
Workman Nydegger
Isaac Workman
Scott and Tracie Young